Virginia Winters

coldHaving lived in different parts of the country I notice a bit of a difference between climes. In Wyoming, unless it was below zero and there was the chance of being stuck somewhere, I wore my suit coat, shirt and tie to work all winter. In Virginia, when it gets to 50 degrees, everyone wears the down filled “Michelin Man” coats.

I have no problem with that.

At my son’s soccer game (The “Icebreaker” Tournament) today, everyone was frozen to the core at 40 degrees, including me.

My friends back in Wyoming and Ohio are laughing at me.

So be it.

However, I have robins, daffodils and neighbors working on their yards.

I use my snow shovel primarily as an extra-large dust pan.

Life is good.

One response to “Virginia Winters

  1. Joseph Helminiak

    I agree. After spending most of the last 25 years in Texas and Louisiana, with a couple of side trips to Iraq, don’t miss the northern Ohio weather. In fact, I haven’t once slid on ice into a telephone pole, even in Baghdad.


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